Muckrach Country House Hotel
Dulnain Bridge, Aviemore, Schottland
13 Zimmer in den Kategorien Classic, Superior, Executive und Suite. Benannt nach Distillerien & Orten in der Umgebung.
€€€(€€€) : 190- 249 EUR
Hinweis: Um eine Vergleichbarkeit der Hotels untereinander zu ermöglichen, haben wir die Preise haben wir aus Durchschnittswerten über die Saisonzeiten für die jeweils niedrigste Zimmerkategorie ermittelt. Sie gelten jeweils für 2 Personen im Doppelzimmer inkl. Frühstück.
Muckrach Country House is home to our beautiful Scottish Highland hotel. Our luxury hotel offers guests their choice of thirteen vibrant rooms. Lovingly revived by the Cowap family, what was once a Victorian shooting lodge has now been restored beyond its former glory to become a vibrant and luxurious hotel in the Scottish Highlands that includes its very own coffee shop and restaurant.
Our hotel is an ideal choice of accommodation for short breaks and weekend holidays in Scotland. We are often frequented by a Scottish Piper, who pipes guests to dinner, pipes the bride & groom and is a source of rousing Scottish atmosphere. The lodge is recognised as a fun filled hub for shooting, skiing and fishing within the Scottish Highlands. The local residents have spoken excitedly of this hotel’s restoration; now you can experience the magic of Muckrach for yourself.
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